Thursday, September 29, 2005

Hey Ho! Off You Go

Well as I expected it took me a leetle while to really appreciate it but I am now liking very much Moon Pix by Cat Power. Thank you Mikey for introducing me to an artiste about whom I knew nothing. You young'uns (and that includes you as well Marc) are my only hope of hearing about interesting stuff. There's very little of that ilk on Radio 4 and I'm far too busy doing Su Doku to read music reviews.

Meanwhile I've been waiting (rather impatiently) for my birthday gift from Katkin. Well it arrived today. R.L Burnside. What a rude, loud boy he is. Cleared the kitchen of Ploppy Pants and Clint very satisfactorily.

And speaking of clearing kitchens - I plan to keep the Ramones handy for when Pearlie's been hanging round my shanty all day long.


  1. Anonymous1:43 pm

    i didn't think she'd be punk enough for your tastes at first, glad you like her though. I first heard cat power after reading that mr dave grohl's a fan and named his album colour and the shape after her song colour and the kids. i always find that amazon recommends good stuff these days-lord knows how.
    mikey xxxx

  2. Anonymous5:09 pm

    I am glad you received your gift, they must have had a right old misson at Amazon. I ordered it 3 weeks ago and they where sending me mail to say that it was delayed further. That music must be very hard to get your hands on.

    Love Katkins

  3. Worth the wait, Katkin, for it's efficiency at getting rid of PP when he's being particularly annoying.

    Trying to convert Hannah to Cat Power as well. Nearly there.

  4. Anonymous11:16 am

    Gosh, I haven't listened to Ms Power in ages. I go dig out the disc now and recall the time she was strumming just in front of me...

  5. ...was it in your living room she was doing this? Or some small, intimate venue with you right in the front row?

  6. Anonymous2:07 pm

    A (very) small venue, alas. Though did I ever tell the me-chatting-up-Tori-Amos story? (Before she had her first hit, pop-pickers, though I already had the Me and a Gun Ep...I must have told the story, as said EP has been already scanned

  7. No I have never heard story about you chatting up Tori Amos. Did she knock you back?
