Monday, September 05, 2005

To Drink Or Not To Drink..

So remind me – how long is it now since I had an alcoholic drink? It’s my birthday in a few days time and I’m wondering if I should indulge myself. But….

  • I think I may get a Chocolate Guinness* Cake (please, please God) and if I do and I drink I might then go crazy and eat savage amounts of it. You think smoking dope gives you the munchies? It’s drinking white wine that gives you the appetite of a hungry bear emerging from hibernation.  

  • And it is only since I quit drinking that people have started to remark that my rotundity is lessening – which is encouraging.  

  • My sobriety is also especially nice for nephews when they surprise us by turning up unexpectedly in Belfast to have a kindly Aunt who can pick them up and carefully drive them to their granny’s house.

But then again…

But then again, again – Oh sod it. I’ll stay sober until October. Then we’ll see.

*Unlike Markham I’m not going purist and will allow myself the occasional brandy ball or wine gum.


  1. Anonymous10:57 pm

    Sorry to bring violence to such a kindly place but...

    ***mharrigan kicked beowulf

  2. But I already know this. I dragged Bert away from a programme about marine creatures to come and look too. He said it was a slow worm but I said you said it was a skink so he agreed. It was a beautiful picture too.

    By the way I wrote you a comment about the bus incident. It was filled with wisdom and insights but somehow I lost it to the ether.

  3. Mark you must have been posting same time as me - why kick beowulf?

    And haven't you noticed that I am often fantasising about doing imaginative violence to people and have a strange attraction for gun-totin' Texan pirates. Then there's my knife fetish that
    Zoe has angsted about.

  4. Anonymous11:11 pm

    I kicked him because he's a silly boy, attempting to hijack your blog with his lizardy friend.

    I have noticed your imaginary violence but it's done in such a nice way and I know you wouldn't really. :)

    ***After returning from Zoe's

    Oooh, errrr. Methinks I'll be keeping an eye out for you when the train goes through Cullybackey.

  5. I congratulate and support your efforts at sobriety. To assist you, I shall be quite certain to consume your portion of the world's alcohol so that you won't be tempted by said portion. ;)

  6. To Mark - do not worry. Despite my efforts at becoming fitter I am not yet capable of leaping aboard a moving train clenching a large cook's knife between my teeth.

    To Bliss - many thanks. Mine's a bottle of chilled white with a Laphroaig nightcap. Cheers. Enjoy.

  7. The last time I looked at a map the Mountains of Mourne were a fair bit away. Especially for a creature challenged in the leg department. So unless somebody gives it a lift. And even then there's Harry de Cat (the scourge of wildlife) and that madwoman who prowls Cully with mad staring eyes and a knife between her teeth. I'd say the Lizard wouldn't dare. Yours NIMBY
