Thursday, September 22, 2005

Whiskey & Coke

Today was spent cleaning the floors of the upstairs rooms to prepare them for Vinyl Man. Yes I know I said it would be Lino Man but he proved to be a very elusive fellow and I tired of searching for him. Cleaning a new house is a very dirty job. You wouldn’t get half as clarried cleaning a filthy old house. The dust doesn’t raise so much in an old house for it has all the existing dirt and grease to stick to. In new houses all the surfaces are clean and dry and this fine white powder gets everywhere.

And speaking of fine white powders it’s reported that Kate Moss has a £200 a day coke habit. Only £200? Sure that’s not so much. Especially when you’re sharing your stash with Pete and all the other guys. And I was a little disappointed to read that she was only using a fiver to snort it. A shabby old fiver? When would Kate Moss even see a fiver a woman with her sort of money? Unless it was one of those Norn Iron plastic fivers she keeps especially for the job.

My own drug and alcohol-free lifestyle is starting to feel rather drear. I’ve been off alcohol for nearly seven weeks now and in the past few days I’ve found myself yearning for a nice glass of wine, or a gin or a wee nip of Laphroaig. I’m seriously considering having a drink come the 1st of October. Eight weeks will be quite long enough.

What’s yours Nelly?

Oh I’ll just have whatever Kate Moss is having.


  1. Anonymous8:48 am

    That'll be the latest fashion, mark my words. In a couple of weeks, you won't be able to get a Norn Bank fiver, 'cos all the yuppies in London will be keeping them for their coke habits.

    And you don't have to start drinking again, just make sure to stock up on Guinness cake...

  2. Anonymous8:49 am

    Bollocks. That comment was me.

  3. Zoe's Guiness cake tho' delicious would not quite hit the spot. For that I need wine, or gin, or whiskey. Roll on the 1st.

    And I knew it was you.

  4. Anonymous2:58 pm

    I think you should treat yoursel nelly, thats an awfully long itme you gone for without. i'm sure if miss moss (heh heh) read this, she'd find inspiration in your god-like cleanleness, and maybe cut down to £150. good on you,
    mikey x

  5. You're right Nelly, £200 is really not that much to a gal who is earning £10,000 a day. I've worked it out that 2% of my daily rate at present wouldn't even cover the fiver! Enjoy the 1st.

  6. Anonymous5:26 pm

    7 weeks and you're complaining? What a wimp. Two years, 4 months and not counting...


  7. Yeah but I was just taking a break. Like-

  8. 200 a day does not sound like much.

  9. Are you thinking in £s mquest, or $s?

  10. Enen taking that into account durring the 80's the true coke heads did $2,000.

  11. Maybe I missed out a zero.

    I could do with some right now. It's 4am and I'm awaiting a family of four to book in. I've been waiting 2 and a half hours. I'm asleep on my feet.

    Oh well - have to make do with caffeine.
