Thursday, October 13, 2005


The new house is going to be a series of firsts. First meal, first party, first overnight guest, first row etc. etc.

We had our first row last night. It involved Bert pointing out a serious flaw in my character. I had to admit (to myself) that he was not wrong but I quibbled at a couple of his examples. Anyways being proper grown ups we resolved it and made up but later still I found myself wishing thatI was back in the old house again and even contemplated taking a sleeping bag down and spending one more night here. For it is in the old house that I sit writing (typing) this now.

This morning I realised that I had lived in the old house longer than I lived anywhere else in my life. My wish now is that I will live in the new house for longer again.

And now I must go and take Matty to the hospital to visit her sick sister.


  1. Anonymous12:47 am

    i reckon you shall fall in love with the new house in a little while as it is superb but it must also be sad to leave the old house as there were many fun times had in the couple of years i frequented the dreen abode.
    hope mattys sis gets better
    love to you all
    mel x x

  2. Thanks Mel. I am in love with the new house but haven't fallen out of love with the old one yer.

    Matty's sis won't get better. She has Alzheimers and other conditions. It's hard on Mum so soon after Daddy. But there you go. Life can be damned tough.

  3. Although I don't know how it is with you, I found that sleeping in the empty house was good, it was a fond farewell just to the house, not the items, but the walls, the windows, the corners, the shelves. You might enjoy it.

  4. I'm very intrigued by that idea Ayla. Very intrigued.
