Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Jim Gilchrist

I was very sad to hear of the death last week in Derry of the musician Jim Gilchrist.

Jim used to play in the Silver Dollar in Antrim over 30 years ago. He specialised in traditional Irish and Scottish folk but I think even then his true love was the blues. He was a lovely man and a fine musician.


  1. Anonymous9:38 pm

    I was actually talking about this today. Seems that Jim used to do a little gig every month in me old pub. Way back before I was around, but still. Small world.

    Its also great to see the PSNI in Derry are so on the ball. Took 'em a week to notice that his belongings were missing and that he looked like he'd been assaulted. Makes life nice for the family, that.

  2. AS far as I know Jim was a good man who contributed a lot to society. No doubt he was dearly loved by his family and friends. I wonder what the person/persons responsible for his death had to offer. I'd guess damn little.

  3. Anonymous11:09 pm

    My cousin Jimmy as I remember him was a great guy and although a great deal older than me I remember him coming to our house and playing his guitar and we went over to Ireland when he married his wife Eileen.

    A great shock to his mum, my aunt Agnes, who never recovered and died a few years after his murder.

    Helen Murray
