Friday, November 18, 2005

Saint Patrick, You Blert, We Need You

Young Rainey called round this evening. He told us the following tale.

Young Rainey: I was in the Mace in Randalstown today and this hardcore Goth girl came in and you know what she’d got around her neck?

Hannah: A collar?

Young Rainey: No! A snake!

Nelly: A plastic snake?

Young Rainey: No! A real live snake! And you know those women who work in the Mace – they’ve been there since the Mace was built…

Nelly: You mean since Randalstown was built?

Young Rainey: Yeah right! Anyways they say, ‘What’s that you’ve got round your neck love?’ and the wee Goth says, ‘It’s a snake.’ And they step back and go ‘Aaagh!’

Nelly: What kind of a snake was it?

Young Rainey: Oh maybe a bull python or a rock python.

Hannah: And did she have a collar round her neck?

Young Rainey & Nelly: No! A snake!

Nelly: Can I blog this story?

Young Rainey: Aye, if you want.

Nelly: What shall I call you? Young Rooney?

Young David Rainey from Randalstown: You can call me whatever you want.


  1. Anonymous11:43 pm

    Sure everyone knows they're not near wise in Randalstown.

  2. Anonymous1:06 am

    You that be young David Rainey of the Randalstown Rainey's? Of the doctorly connection? If it is I think I he was in the scouts at the same time I was. Small world. Smaller village, obviously.

    Young Miss Ganching: duly noted. And agreed with, obviously.

  3. Ganching - having Randalstown connections yourself you are in a good position to judge.

    Ed - the very same.

  4. Thank you Stephen - just raised a giggle from me and my weary colleague.

  5. Anonymous4:34 pm

    Rainey eh? that name does ring a bell, where from i wonder...

    mikey x

  6. Mikey I believe you met at nellybert's at the last Mel's Ex-Boyfriends Anonymous meeting.

    Well anonymous until now that is.

  7. Anonymous5:23 pm

    yeah thats right, we should have bi-annual discussion groups with 'Hi, my name is...' badges.
