Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Sunday, Ginday, Good Day...

Day off today. I wasn't looking forward to it because it was just one and one does not feel like enough. And I had a lot to do. But I have had a good day and this is why. Got up early and fought my way through two sets of school traffic to take Hannah to work. Did not get road rage even once although I did note that there were several idiots who were out and about in thick freezing fog with nary a light to be seen. Cretins. Drove carefully to Matty's and did some cleaning for her. She is getting her cataracts done at the weekend and will notice things like dirt and dust so best make sure there isn't any to annoy her. Poor soul cannot tell whether she's looking at a blue tit or a chaffinch these days so will enjoy having keener sight. Then took her to Randalstown shops. We did not see Goth wearing python. Probably too cold and foggy to take python out. Observed accident on A26 on the way home. Recalled Matty saying that she felt a bit selfish only praying for Bro and Nelly's safe journeys. Decided not to tell her that her failure to pray for entire driving population of Norn Iron had resulted in mishap for someone. Went for walk with Paddy in People's Park. Got yapped at by park official as per usual for walking Paddy into children's play area. Smiled a saintly smile and thought that if my job was sweeping up leaves on a freezing morning, I too might yap at general public to relieve tedium and frustration. Resisted urge to go to T.K. Maxx. Went home and found that Bert and Jamie had managed to drag themselves from their pits. Allowed them to laze about all day whilst encouraging them to believe that they were helluva dudes. Jamie helluva dude for making lots of coffee, fixing speakers on PC and employing feng shui on kitchen furniture. Bert helluva dude for hanging picture and oiling kitchen table and stapling lace to bathroom window so that McSquirter will never again see Nelly at her toilette. Collected prescription from chemists and took Rosie for a walk. Did housewifely tasks and collected Hannah from train.


  1. Anonymous11:04 pm

    Nelly, you added an extra 's' to 'Randalstown shop'. I know it is the centre of the known multiverse, but Randyville has not yet progressed as far as having multiple shops. And certainly not shops that would be worth travelling to.

  2. But Matty is nearly 80, she has cataracts, she only ever buys teabags, Marie biscuits and cooked ham. Therefore she thinks Randalstown shop a helluva place. For me there was the hope of seeing the python-wearing goth. The reality was I ran into ex-neighbour from Cully and had the opportunity to ask "When are you going to deal with the derelict house at the end of our lane young-fellow-me-lad?' and then my cousin's wife who regaled us, whilst glancing furtively around to check for eavesdroppers, of the sad tale of her neighbours from hell and the upcoming court case.

  3. Thats a terrible way to be treated by a park official. Did it occur to you that official might have been an actor on a TV show? I'll not ask you if you saw any hidden cameras :-)

  4. There are signs saying dogs not allowed because they do these bling poos that strike the sight from children children's eyes. I didn't see it because of the fog.
