Friday, November 04, 2005

Tarting Around

It must have been all that cupboard scrubbing at work got me in the mood, or maybe it was the approaching visits of Mel, the Banjos and, most importantly, Ganching that has had me spending many happy hours scrubbing, tidying and sorting Springhill.

Meanwhile Bert has been banished to the Wash Hoose to work on a kitchen press for use in the kitchen. He is going to keep his Stuff in it. Previously his Stuff was kept in other kitchen cupboards but as I have become A Domestic Goddess I now need these cupboards for my flour, raisins and baking trays.

Matty allowed me to gather some windfalls from her apple tree yesterday. She was a bit grudging about it as the crop was poor this year. But if it had been her eldest and much loved grandchild Zoë I think she would have been more generous. But then Zoë is always bringing Granny little bits of home-cooked deliciosity while here in Springhill my apple tart was fallen on by a pack of ravening wolves (Nellybert, Pearlie and The Visitors) and not even a crumb was left.

Since I have been A Domestic Goddess (Tuesday) I have made bread, pizza and an apple tart. Today I am going to make Coconut & Pineapple scones.

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