Monday, November 07, 2005

The Visitors

Marty & Neatette
Originally uploaded by NellyMoser.
And what a lot of them we've had this weekend. We had five Banjos who stayed Friday and Saturday, Mel who stayed Friday and the Wee Manny who stayed last night. Non-staying visitors were Ganching (twice) and Matty once.

We cooked, we baked, we mopped, we walked and we shopped. We talked and sometimes we listened.

We girls and Ben 'did' Portglenone. What a town! Erin and I went to the Ballymena Saturday market which was wet and windy. We bought fish and smelly cheese for Bert and Irish apples for me.

Marty put the finishing touches to the 'Neatette' kitchen press which was found in a shed. You wouldn't believe the stuff you would find in the sheds around here. Why only this morning Ganching found a collection of hand-stitched handkerchiefs and a flowery soap bag that she got very excited about. I found some rose-printed linen curtains.

But I digress. Ben showed Bert how to operate an Xbox (whatever that is) and Erin and I hiked down the river path hoping to find the bloated corpse of a dead sheep. We didn't see it but we thought we smelled it.

We ran out of bread and Jazzer made pancakes, soda farls and potato bread. I made coconut and pineapple scones.

Miss Banjo ate huge quantities of Werther Originals and raspberry ruffles and lost a filling so she wasn't too happy. But hey - 100% happiness is hard to achieve.

Small snag - Ganching and the Wee Manny overlapped for a while, which was slightly unfortunate as she finds him rather wearing.

But all in all it was a good weekend. And Ganching - I might have given you that pruck if you hadn't peeved me by saying my blog was inconsistent. Inconsistent? Me? Petty? Yes!

I'll give it to you next time you get back to your roots.


  1. Anonymous9:01 am

    So Bert has started using consoles, has he? Next thing you know, he'll be blogging.

  2. Blogging! He even hates to address his own letters. The only writing he does is signing cheques and that makes him dizzy.

    No - Bert is much happier playing his whistle, building dry stone walls and watching documentaries about war and pestilence.

    He does like to read though.

  3. Anonymous7:46 pm

    However much I admired that hand made heirloom quilt you were never going to give it to me.

    Also don't know how you managed to take a photo of your kitchen and make it look small.

    ganching ;)

  4. Pearlie would kill me if I gave you that quilt. And kitchen only looks small because of the hugeness of Banjo Man!
