Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Christmas Trees

I think I may have mentioned the sheds around here and the things that are to be found in them. I've only got to mention some item of furniture or other household good and Bert will say, "Och sure I think there's one of those lying out in one of the sheds."

Today I said to Bert, "Will you go into Cully with me and we'll see about getting a Christmas tree?" He said he would and I had just put my coat on when he said, "You know you'd probably get a wee fir tree out in the planting." So out we headed to the fields. I've only been round the start of the planting so far and it's mostly oaks, ash, rowans and the odd Scots pine so I wasn't holding out much hope for a decent fir tree. But he led me deeper into it and right at the edge there were quite a few firs. I had no idea they were there. "How many are there?" I enquired. "Oh. About a thousand," he replied. The biggest problem was getting one that was small enough as the smallest were about 7-8 foot.


  1. Anonymous5:34 pm

    a thousand you say? ok, I'm picturing bert in a santa hat standing outside his chock-full transit, maybe rosie next to him in plastic reindeer antlers with christmas jingles playing from the stereo. the spar's got quite a large car park...
    mikey x

  2. He's already told the Inland Revenue he doesn't sell Christmas trees. And I think they read this blog so all I'm saying is that they're too big now and maybe he'll grow some for selling in a few years time. And of course all the income shall be declared as all good citizens must do.

  3. Anonymous8:51 pm

    did i say bert? i meant his brother, nert. bert would never cut down a good tree.

    sorry. ahem.....
