Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Knowledge vs. Intellect Test

7/9 Intellect
You are 63% knowledgable and 84% intellectual.
Excellent! You have a powerful mind backed by a good amount of knowledge. Keep cracking books and nothing can stop you.

My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 6% on knowledge
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You scored higher than 40% on intellect
Link: The Knowledge vs. Intellect Test written by rattytintinface on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Found at Smarty Pants' Place


  1. Anonymous10:41 pm

    w00t! I got the same knowledge quotient as you (which means Ed knows more useless info than both of us) but of the three of us, I got the highest intellectual schlang. 2% off a perfect score.

    Gosh, I must aggrandize myself over at my own place. I am worthwhile, dammit.

  2. I've forgotten more than Ed'll ever know. Damn that 20-year cannabis habit.

  3. Anonymous3:55 pm

    4/9 Intellect
    You are 43% knowledgable and 76% intellectual.
    You have a powerful mind, though you let it starve. Crack a book and put your abnormally enlarged brain to work.

    You scored higher than 4% on knowledge
    You scored higher than 37% on intellect

    thats pretty much what was said whilst i was at school - 'if only you'd apply yourself...'
    mikey x

  4. Cut down on the cannabis. That's my advice.

  5. Anonymous7:30 pm

    sound advice, if only that was my excuse. as it happens i've been pretty much weed free since april-with a few celebratory exceptions...think i've passed my peak at 22-hmmm?

  6. The effects are pretty long-lasting (permanent?). After giving up I expected to get instantly smarter. Didn't happen. But I don't think you've passed your peak. Experience makes up for a lot.
