Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Well that was a most unChristmassy hour I've just spent. Here are some things that I've learned today.

1. You cannot get a fingerprint specialist on Christmas Eve for love nor money.

2. Nor can a police photographer be had on Christmas Day for the (living) bite-marked, kicked and gouged.

3. Girls can be incredibly vicious to other girls.

4. Some policechildren are starting to realise their job is shite.

Christmas will start tomorrow at 4pm.


  1. Anonymous9:28 am

    Merry Christmas! Hohoho! :S

  2. Judging by the time of Jazzthefunk's entry I think he must have hitched a lift home on Santa's sleigh. Adam I hope you still believe and that he left you loads. Happy Christmas from here in Spide City. I shan't see Cully until nearly 4pm.

  3. Anonymous7:06 pm

    Merry christmas Nelly, Bert, Hannah, Paddy and Rosie Dogs, Harry cat and anyone else hanging around over there! hope you treat yourself to a hearty xmas feast upon your return Nelly, speak to you all soon hopefully.
    mikey x

  4. Once I got the reek of Spide City offa me I settled down and had a very lovely Christmas indeed. In a house of this size it should, as Roy Wood once wished, be christmas every day.

    You'll never believe what Zoz tol' Shaz! Email for further info and a very happy new year to all of you in Sherwood Forest.

  5. Anonymous9:28 pm

    Oh yeah, I forgot to ask, why did you need a fingerprint specialist? :S

  6. Adam - just the homeless breaking into homeless accommodation. If they do that without signing the relevant Housing Benefit forms it is a crime. Apparently.

  7. Anonymous8:35 pm

    Ah! It all makes perfect sense now
