Friday, December 02, 2005


Originally uploaded by NellyMoser.
..since sometime this afternoon.

This is a first for Paddy as he ran off on his own without his Leaderene, The Fat Bitcher Rosie. His starting point was our old abode.

We are pretty worried and have been down there at regular intervals throughout the evening. We can only assume that he is lost. He's a bit thick and needs the intelligent collie to show him how to get home. Fingers crossed he makes it back tonight. Last time he went missing we found him in a far-flung field with his head stuck in a bucket.


  1. Anonymous11:09 am

    is he back yet?
    mikey x

  2. I've been taken to task about not updating on this by Dee Mac who I met on my morning walk.

    Paddy was found in a shed very late that evening. He had been accidentally closed into it by bert himself who, for some reason or another, has short term and long-term memory issues.

    You know what a stoic Paddy is. Locked in a shed? Oh well. Must have deserved it. I'll just lie here and do my time then.

    Danny would have barked the roof off.

  3. Blogger problems again mquest. The ol' bugger is back again safe and sound. He was falsely imprisoned.

  4. Anonymous6:06 pm

    the laziest dog in the village continues to live up to his name then! good news that he was found.
    mikey x

  5. The laziest dog in the village mislaid by the daftest man in the parish.

  6. great news. (blogger is pissing me off tonight)
