Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Sure What Else Could It Be?

The Movie Of Your Life Is A Black Comedy

In your life, things are so twisted that you just have to laugh.
You may end up insane, but you'll have fun on the way to the asylum.

Your best movie matches: Being John Malkovich, The Royal Tenenbaums, American Psycho

Shamelessly copied from Ed


  1. Anonymous9:10 am

    So that's you, me, and slugger all with 'Black Comedy'. Until I checked the planet there now, I was starting to think that they only had one answer...

  2. You and I have a few things in common. You might not think it by reading our respective blogs (oh the things I could write about and the things I would write about if I wasn't so damn nice and also cowardly) but a big part of what we do have in common is that we do not possess rose-tinted glasses and we don't seem to take ourselves too seriously.

    I also saw that your fellow planeteer has an indie-movie life. God love him.

    As a matter of interest - just how many of you red jacketed crowd controllers were there last Saturday? In busloads?

  3. Anonymous10:45 am

    Four or five, plus at least one that went up to Roselawn. Something like 250-300 bodies there. We were also the ones in the yellow/orange high visibility coats and the yellow high vis bibs.

    I also saw something shocking while I was there. I saw policechildren working. Shifting barriers and suchlike. It was a shock to the system, I have to tell ya.

  4. But it must have been a comfort to the policechildren knowing that if anything kicked off that youse boys were there to mind them.

  5. Anonymous11:38 am

    Probably not... we don't exactly have a stellar reputation for stopping trouble. Think of any bother at any NIrish football game over the last few years, and the odds are the same company was supposed to prevent it, only to need rescuing from the PSNI in short order.

  6. So where does the rep come from then? Is it the numbers on the books then?

  7. Anonymous1:43 pm

    It doesn't exactly have a reputation. It just has a lot of people who are willing to work crap jobs for low wages at short notice. Oh, and a fairly distinctive and sensible dress code.

    Plus they have a nack for getting their business promoted discretely, like on Saturday, where redcoats were see being all professional and politely removing scarves from the lead hearse. All good PR, you know.

    (Full disclosure: I tend to work with rather than for said company; I normally don the red coat only when they need an awful lot of bodies.)

  8. Anonymous9:42 pm

    Back on topic, I got 'Film Noir', which, actually, is about right.

    *stubs out cigarette, gazes out through venitian blinds while a swirling sax plays, and a curvy dame knocks on my door*

  9. Anonymous10:19 pm

    topic smopic. I was busy dissing my employer there...

  10. Anonymous11:35 pm

    Indy, arthouse - very good and 100% accurate quiz.


  11. Ed's didn't surprise me.
    Marc's didn't surprise me.
    Ganching's didn't surprise me.
    Beowolf's? I'm surprised and intrigued.

  12. Anonymous6:22 pm

    me too nelly-worrying...
    mikey x

  13. Um I'm confused about that reply Mikey. Are you saying that the movie of your life is also an erotic thriller? Or are you saying that you're intrigued and worried that Beowulf's is?

  14. Anonymous8:42 pm

    I'm more confused; for a second there I thought he meant "Nelly worrying", as in "sheep worrying". Very disturbing images, I can tell you.

  15. If you could see the size of his teeth you'd be even more worried.
