Wednesday, January 25, 2006

George And His Chums: Part Eight

Hark! What's that sound?

Why that's the sound of careers foundering on foolishness and dying in anguish.

Is it? I thought it was the Big Bother theme tune.

Last night George Galloway, that well-known Champion of the Underdog, launched a vicious verbal attack on Preston and Chantelle. Their crime was telling lies, dressing up like capitalists, smoking cigars and quaffing champagne.

Without pausing to draw breath George then started a tirade against Barrymore for 'showing-off' and hiding cigarettes.

I don't know what he'd say if he was in that house with a tyrant or a war-criminal. I dare say he'd probably kill them with his bare tongue.

While this (debating) was going on the MP's acolyte Mr Pete Burns sat glued to his hero's side, quite open-gobbed with admiration and seemingly unaware that his face was turning green and melting under the Big Brother lights. Barrymore and Galloway were going at each other like two tired and emotional three-year-olds at the tail-end of a birthday party.

Afterwards Barrymore 'showed off' and George had a massive sulk whilst sucking on his dummy, I mean cigar stub.

George used to be known as a Demon Debater.


  1. It was also incredibly ridiculous. These men (as Maggot pointed out) are all hovering around the half-century mark. What have they learned?

    Who but the very young or insane will consider Celebrity Big Brother next year? Career suicide for the elderly methinks. But great telly. Bert says that within ten years celebrities will be going on live telly to beat each other to death with clubs.

  2. I'll get him to put you on his mailing list.

    So - Gorgeous George has gone. Broken but unbowed. Will CBB ever be the same again?

  3. Anonymous10:31 pm

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