Monday, January 09, 2006

George And His Chums Part Two

George is bemused by his fellow house mates. He finds the younger ladies astoundingly potty-mouthed and he is beginning to think he's not quite as 'in touch' with the youth of today as he thought he was. He finds it very perturbing that no-one has as yet attempted to drink of the fountain of wisdom that is George Galloway MP. Why no-one has even asked him what that fellow Blair is really like.

This view from the Springhill sofa is put by Bertie boy.

"That George Galloway is a hateful bastard."

Meanwhile Nelly cringes behind the Springhill sofa at the woefulness that is Ms Jodie Marsh.

I would like to nominate a surprise guest a la Jackie Stallone. Welcome to the Big Brother House Dr Ian Paisley MP. Now that would be a show worth watching.


  1. Anonymous8:45 am

    I, for one, am glad you put yourself through this for the benefit of those of us who are tellyvisual-refuseniks. It almost makes me want to watch it, but I think your descriptions would be better than For Real.

    As for DocP, I would then place a bet on which of the two politicians (sic) would have a heart-attack first.

    As for Bert's summation of George, he is being a bit generous, I think.

  2. Anonymous9:25 am

    If we're going to suggest surprise housemates, can I request that the new entry has a highly infectious disease? HN51 would do, but Ebola would be my preference.

  3. Big Ian would have them all saved by the end of the week. But would it make good TV?

    As for Ebola. Urrgghy, wurrghy woo woo! I would need not to be eating any of my famous apple & cinnamon scones whilst watching that. I was scoffing one of those last week when I happened to glance up just as some big gladiator was having his head sliced off by a brave and hardy Roman soldier. My choking fit will go down in Springhill legend. Dear God! It's a blessing the young Bolans are kept away from such dreadfulness, a pity the young Hillans were not better protected as Ed's bloodthirstiness in adulthood is evidence that such protection is a necessary thing.

  4. Anonymous2:04 pm

    'Bloodthirsty' has such negative connotations. I like to think of my work as having a positive influence on the world.

    It’s For The Children (™), after all…

    (By the way, I assume that means that the Ebola suggestion does not obtain the Nellybert seal of approval?)

  5. Ebola is a bit gory. But if Maggot was let out first (saved) it might be acceptable.

  6. Anonymous3:26 pm

    He's the fella from yon spoof rap collective, isn't he? Very well, he can life. Because some of their stuff is actually pretty decent, as parody goes.

    See? I can be reasonable.

  7. Indeed. Also he looks a bit like a younger version of Bert and you can tell he's just in there for the craic not for any kind of sad reason like most of those other losers.

  8. Anonymous5:50 pm

    Well, I'll base my opinions on my extensive viewing of the show (somewhere between zero and zero minutes watched), and on a little reading (the list of housemates was on the Beeb's site). I though young Mr Rodman might have been entering for a laugh rather than any sense of needing the publicity boost. Was I mistaken in this assumption?

  9. Oh dear God. Rodman! He is a sex-crazed loony so that's two of them (at least) in there.

  10. Anonymous9:50 pm

    Ladies and gentlemen, your host for the evening, liveblogging today's CBB, is Mr Stephen "tha'wulf" Stewart.

    Don't forget to tip your waitress, and have a great night.

  11. Bert's words were "Poor Jodie". It was mean. I think Mr Burns will be the first to go for participating in that. Which means we get a bit longer with George and His Amazing Words Of Wisdom.

  12. Glad you're live-blogging this because I'm at the animal sanctuary cleaning out the kennels. It's a dirty ould job etc etc.

  13. She used to be married to Dennis Waterman. That'd turn anybody.

  14. I've just seen George kiss Michael! It was a chaste fatherly kiss but a kiss nonetheless.

    This is a very dangerous and cynical programme. There are at least two people in there in a very delicate mental state. Such a good idea to put them in along with a lot of borderline(?) personality disorder cases.

  15. George LOVES an underdog. Saddam?

  16. You're right. Not borderline. Full-blown.

  17. Chantelle, Maggot and Preston are the only sane ones. I think right now Maggot is feeling bad because he has not defended Jodie.

    But joyousness abounds. George has lost every shred of credibility he never had.
