Monday, January 30, 2006

Keep Off The Grass

I fear that Hannah has become citified. I was telling her this evening about a walk I’d been on with the dogs through the fields and she said, “I can’t walk in those fields Mum. I keep tripping on the grass.”

Tripping on the grass?  What have I reared?

Unless it’s some different sort of tripping on grass she’s talking about.


  1. In either case, citified, yes. ;)

  2. If it's the latter case we'll have to see if she can get her Granny sorted out with a few aids to sleep-inducement!

    BTW - glad to see that your bro made it home.

  3. Anonymous4:46 pm

    I'm definately not citified but I trip on the grass alot! Well, I trip alot anyway...

  4. Maybe you younguns are wearing the wrong sort of shoes. Do you do your laces up properly?

  5. Anonymous9:34 pm

    If I'm in the fields I'm most likely wearing wellies or hiking boots and I they are always tied properly

  6. Anonymous9:35 pm

    Woops! Excuse the last "I"

  7. So is the reason you are always tripping because you have grown long gangly legs that you are not yet accustomed to?
