Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Last Night I Went To Bed With Paul McKenna...

...a glass of Jameson's and a ginger biscuit. I figured that this was OK as after seven days Paul will have changed my life and I won't be needing as much whiskey. Or ginger biscuits.


  1. Was it like this? :-)
    What I would like you to do at this time is to just slowly and simply open and close your eyes, when I ask you to do so. From this moment forward as you begin to follow each and every instruction that I give you, you will begin to notice how easy it is to relax using the marvelous mechanism of your mind.
    Let me start with the number 5 as I ask you to simply, just close your eyes. With your eyes closed, you can now allow yourself to feel the soothing sensation of relaxation beginning to encompass your entire body. Moving from the tips of your toes..........

  2. Exactly the effect the Jameson's had on me. A warm glowing feeling starting at my toes, my head felt heavy, I started counting from 200 backwards, I fell into a deep sleep....
