Thursday, January 19, 2006

Scruff Checks It Out

The Scruffy One
Originally uploaded by NellyMoser.
Scruff belongs to my sister Tricia and her hubby Brendan. The reason we are looking after him is because Trish and Brendan are travelling in South East Asia for a while.

Scruff is a man's dog. When he is at home (the Dingle Peninsula) he goes to work every day with Brendan. They drive a digger (backhoe to you North Americans) and Brendan reckons Scruff could handle it all by himself if it wasn't for his lack of opposable thumbs.

While he's here he goes to work with Bert. Today they were in the fields lifting trees. There is pipe-laying going on at the bottom of the lane and Scruff's ears pricked up when he heard the bump-bump-bump of a digger bucket, He trotted off down the lane to see if it was Brendan. When he saw that it wasn't he trotted back up and paid it no more mind.

So if you happen to get the length of an internet cafe, Trish and Brendy, be reassured that Scruff hasn't forgotten you.


  1. Anonymous1:01 pm

    glad to hear scruff is doing fine and hanging with the working man. He would be appalled at the dogs here bake themselves all day in the sun and do no work. Seen a poodle today with dyed blue head hair dyed blue tail painted nails and a few ribbons. Scruff would be very appalled. Send me your e.mail nelly I want to send a note to matty via you if poss.

  2. I told Scruff about the pansy dogs in Thailand and he boked. My email is Hope that you are having an enjoyable time.
