Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Serves Me Right

Karma has come upon me. On Monday I mocked Bert and his man flu. "How come I never get sick?" I taunted.

Now my throat feels like it is filled with broken glass. Still... a nice cup of tea should help.

Day off work? Nonsense. Being sick is what holidays are for.


  1. Anonymous9:18 am

    Sure you know full well that sickness only strikes during holidays. It's the way of the world.

    A nice cuppa will sort it all out, though, as you say. Perhaps with a jameson chaser for good measure.

  2. I do have some standards y'know. Whiskey at breakfast? No siree.

  3. Anonymous5:12 pm

    get well soon nelly, at least you dont have to suffer the agony of man flu

    mikey x

  4. Thanks Mikey. You're right of course. At least it's not man flu. I hear that it is far, far worse than the pangs of childbirth.

  5. Anonymous7:21 pm

    Sorry to hear about Bert and the bad cold. Needless to say sympathy will be in short supply. Glad to hear that Pearlie is warming to scruff. It took bro jo a few years to get to like him and stop roaring "get away from me you dirty brute" every time he tried to get close. Thanks for having him. No details on the missing it is too hideous. Hope he does'nt take to scunging.

  6. The only scunging Scruff does is in the van. Bert is very impressed with him. Says "He never takes his eyes off the road." He is doing well. Hope it continues.

    Bon voyage for the weekend.

  7. Anonymous7:42 pm

    Thanks for the well wishes for the bonny voyage. I always knew Bert and Scruff would hit it off. Just hope he does'nt forget Brendy boy and me.

  8. Anonymous8:40 pm

    Hope your cold is better. I sat next to a chinese boy for 13.5 hours on a plane and he had one of those awful snuffly head colds which I think I have caught.


  9. Scruff's ears prick up when the word Brendan is spoken.

    As for you ab see birthday tribute above. As I said sent card to wrong address. Bad karma for using office stamp.
