Tuesday, February 28, 2006


It seems that there are going to be a few changes taking place in my life so I thought I’d start with my links.

So it’s goodbye to My Lost Identity who has either fallen down that borehole or found a new identity that doesn’t do blogging. I hope it’s the latter as she seemed like a really nice person and I hope her life is going well for her now.

And it’s hello to SWM who hardly ever updates his blog but we’re already Flickrmates and he likes dogs so I’ll forgive him his occasional use of rude language because my dogs swear a bit too.


  1. That was quick. I'm thinking of giving up working.

  2. Anonymous7:06 pm

    Is the world ready for a non-swearing SWM? People need to be warned! Etc, etc, etc.

  3. So what are you giving up Ed? Sleeping? Paranoia?

  4. Anonymous7:45 pm

    Don't go telling me ma, but I'm not planning on giving up anything. Mwhahahaha.

    (Although I'm going to try and cut back on coffee, if not give it up.)

  5. See! There goes your paranoia again. You seem to think I've got some kind of hotline to your ma and I don't.

  6. Anonymous7:52 pm

    Sure I know you spend your days hiding at the bottom of her garden. All you need to do is raise your voice a bit and she'd hear you...

  7. Here Missus! That wee brute of yours isn't going to observe Lent this year! Hark! I see her at the door. Better juke down behind this oul bush before she sees me.

  8. Anonymous8:13 pm

    "That wee brute"? She'll never know which of my delightful siblings you meant.

  9. Poor woman. So you're all a bit of a disappointment to her? Lent-wise?

    It's often the way. Except in our house where I am the one who is a bit of a disappointment to my girls.

  10. Anonymous8:56 pm

    I'm giving up wee buns.

  11. I may give up commenting on blogs.
