Sunday, February 05, 2006

I Like A Doag

I have already reported that sister Tricia and her husband Brendan, the two lucky buggers, are off on a long holiday in Thailand. Meanwhile their dog Scruff is being boarded at our house and ZoĆ« has charge of their bitcher Macy. To tell you the truth we’re enjoying their dogs so much we’ll be reluctant to part when the time comes.

I hear that Tricia and Brendan are having a fabulous time but by the tone of the odd email and blog comment it would seem that Tricia is missing her pets.

As it was with Bert and myself when we went to the States with Clint a few years back The Banjos were looking after Danny* and Rosie so we knew they were safe and well but three weeks is a long time to be parted from beloved dogs.

Ian met us at the airport when we returned and our first stop was to the Banjo house to pick up Danny and Rosie. Pleased to see us? You bet. They never even gave Marty or Jazzer a backward glance so ecstatic were they to see Nellybert back.

Meanwhile, back waiting in the van, Clint had this to say to Ian,

I niver heared as much talk about doags in all my life. Now don’t get me wrong, I like a doag as much as the next boy but I wudn’t have one sitting on my knee, nor licking round my face or in the bed way me. And I wudn’t be talkin’ about doags the whole day long. But each and ivry day way them pair it was Danny this, Rosie that, and I wonder what Danny’s doing now. Doags, doags, doags – they niver shut up about them oul doags.

So I know what you’re going through Tricia. The holiday would be perfect if the dogs were there too. But Scruff and Macy would hate those rabies-ridden Thai dogs. They’re far happier here on the oul sod with us. However I’m already preparing myself for Scruff leaving us without as much as the backward glance.

*This was in pre-Paddy days when the late-lamented Danny was still alive.


  1. Anonymous11:57 pm

    See, I thought I left a comment already.

    I am pleased to advise you that you have been allocated St Sithney patron saint of mad dogs.

    Congratulations on being longlisted for the irish blog awards. Modesty prevents me mentioning that I have also been longlisted, but only for a post and not the whole blog. So people out there better get voting.


  2. Is st Sithney also the patron saint of Englishmen?

    Didn't know we'd been longlisted. Where's the info?
