Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Scruff Sees No Swans

racing dogs
Originally uploaded by NellyMoser.
Scruff had a great time today at the Bar Mouth chasing sea birds. He just hates anything feathered.

On Sunday Scruff, Rosie and I drove Hannah to work in Nixt! and afterwards we went for a walk in the Ecos Park. There are several swans living there and as we neared them I thought that Scruff might start on them and there'd be fur, blood and feathers everywhere. I wouldn't fancy his chances with a big Daddy swan. But I needn't have worried about it for Scruff didn't 'see' the swans. He trotted past them with his eyes averted. Then a few yards down the path he started a powerful narration of barking. There he was dancing around a hawthorn tree like an eedjit and barking his head off at a wee thrush that was paying him no mind at all.


  1. Anonymous12:22 am

    selective viewing i'd call that, my dog developed selective hearing, particularly when it came to showers...
    mikey x

  2. Dogs are very good at that. Danny went completely blind every time a rottweiler or pit bull came into view. In fact, I think he made himself invisible!

  3. Anonymous9:00 am

    We have nicknamed Scruff 'The Air Traffic Controller' because of his dislike of the feathered ones.

  4. I wonder how he developed his hatred of birds. Was he swooped upon by evil seagulls when he was a little pup in Kerry?

  5. Anonymous12:53 pm

    I don't recall Scruff ever being swooped on by an evil seabird. Glad to hear he didn't get the swan going.
