Saturday, February 25, 2006

What's Your Favourite Place In Northern Ireland?

The Levee Breaks is conducting a poll on favourite places in Northern Ireland. The poll is on the sidebar and it only takes a moment. Why not give it a go? Sure it'll give us a bit of excitement after the disappointment that was the Irish Blog Awards.


  1. You know I haven't been to many places in North Down. But that is something I plan to remedy this summer. Bert & I are going camping.

  2. Anonymous2:30 pm

    Nellyfart camps too?

    Bit off topic but Skibbereen in Cork is brilliant, great campsite and in a beautiful area

  3. Anonymous2:42 pm

    The North Coast is always nice, but I likes the Glens meself, and all the wee towns around there. Cushendun being a particular favourite.

  4. My sister Trish, who lives in Kerry, reckons that the North Antrim coast is unbeatable even topping the famous Kerry scenery.

    I'll bear that in mind Adam about Skibbereen (i know a song about that) but when travelling SW it's hard to get past Kerry.

  5. I might take you up on that some Sunday. Scared of lizards? Not us!

  6. Anonymous9:51 pm

    Cheers for the link Nelly - we're getting a really wide range of suggestions at the minute, although I'm surprised Ballycastle isn't getting any votes.

    I wouldn't mind an auld hike up the Mournes. Is Beowulf an official tour guide :)

  7. I think he might be. He lives in a cave up there somewhere. blog meet halfway up the Mpurnes then?

  8. Anonymous10:51 am

    Knocklayde might be easier! Been a while since I made that trek...

  9. The last time I was up Knocklayde it was covered in magic mushrooms. Being mature and sensible types we made the observation and moved on.

  10. Anonymous1:12 pm

    You've got one up on me! I couldn't tell the difference between magic and regular mushrooms if you paid me. If I recall rightly, we brought a few beers with us and forgot to pack food....

  11. Anonymous2:30 pm

    I assume that by "made the observation" you mean "carefully noted the location and returned at a later time with materials for carrying many many mushrooms".

    Just to make sure that Nelly's Garden is fully stocked with a diverse range of growth, obviously.

    (Also: it's heartening to see that my little suggestion is in the lead in the Levee Breaks poll. It's good for people to agree with me, it really is.)
