Friday, March 24, 2006

Goodbye Scurf Dude!

Scruff is a dude. He wasted no time in letting our dogs know that he was The Man. Once the pecking order was established with Bert and I at the top (depending on who was driving), Hannah second (for services to dog feeding), Scruff next, then Rosie, Paddy (beta or omega male) and last and least Harry de Cat then Scruff was prepared to make some concessions. Look how pleased Paddy is to be allowed to share that special place in front of the fire.

On occasion the Scruff dude was kind enough to allow Harry de Cat a corner of the basket. A very small corner.

But all things come to an end. Tonight Trish came to claim her Scruffy Boy.

I'm going to miss him. But as Bert said, "He's going to a good home."

Bye Scruffalo.


  1. Anonymous10:29 pm

    a very photogenic dude at that! be sure to update us next time he mosey's over

    mikey x

  2. Anonymous3:52 pm

    So will there now be a battle over the spot in front of the fire? Or will Rosie and Paddy respect the Scruff-dude by saving a space for him?

  3. Without the Scruff dude to impose natural and proper order I'm afraid that Harry de Cat will be the one at the front the fire.

  4. Anonymous2:55 pm

    Scruff is glad to be home. He started to get a bit excited when we crossed the Limerick Kerry border but he probably sensed my relief that I was on the last leg. He went mental as did Macy once I'd turned onto our road and then more mental when we turned in the lane and then total frenzy when we got into the house. This morning he joined Brendans nephew visiting from England in bed and Gary not being a dog in the bed kind of person nearly shit himself when he woke up. I am really glad that you all enjoyed having the dude to stay and the dude enjoyed staying with you. You are now his second family which is very nice for him.

  5. Excellent. But what I really need to know is what was the Scruff-Brendan reunion like?

  6. Anonymous7:10 pm

    Scruff was past himself with excitement and couldn't get enough cuddles. He did lots of high four legged leaps which is a new one and probably only used when he is ecstatic. It was a wonderful reunion and dog and man are very happy.
