Thursday, March 23, 2006

No Bloody Buzzard For Me

So there I was engaged in a bidding war on Ebay for a couple of framed prints of a buzzard and a kestrel respectively. Next thing bloody Ebay stops working. I was incandescent! I didn't get my pictures, which were to be a gift for Bert, and it was the most frustrating thing. On the plus side the two prints did end up selling for a price that must have been very pleasing to the vendor but were a bit expensive for a purchaser. Wellington Gallery would have offered a far better deal I'm sure.

Last night Google, Blogger and the BBC site were all acting the maggot as well. At least Blogger explains. According to their info page one of their machines was shite and they were transferring stuff off it on to another one. So was it a coincidence that all those other places were having problems? Or do I need a new computer? Or maybe a brain transplant?


  1. Anonymous4:26 pm

    All search engines and bbc and piles of other sites weren't working for me either!!

  2. Well then it wasn't me or my computer being stupid. Why does that sometimes happen Adam?

  3. Anonymous8:13 pm

    First time it ever happened to me, I'll have to ask the "smart" brother why

  4. Would that be the 'English' brother that never blogs anymore?

  5. Anonymous9:27 pm

    Indeed, but I have to be nice to him because my site's on his webspace. And I should be back to blogging extremely soon, the redesign is almost finished :D

  6. Goodoh! However you should always be nice to your brothers.

  7. Anonymous8:33 pm

    Yes... "should"... It will never ever happen, unless of course I need something, like money for a mothers day present :D

  8. Adam I hesitate to suggest this - but do you have brattish tendencies? I do hope not for you seem like such a nice boy...

    but at least you love your mum. That's good.

  9. Anonymous10:39 pm

    I'll leave mark to answer that
