Sunday, April 02, 2006

Not Wanted On Voyage

Today, while getting A Unit from the sheds, I discovered four Boxes of Stuff and an electric sewing machine. I have not missed these items in six months which begs the question - are these items really necessary? Except maybe my green tulip vase which I've been looking for in the past couple of days. I may have a poke through these boxes later on.


  1. Anonymous8:27 pm

    Are you looking for a new home for (oh, let us say) the sewing machine? I never got round to buying Cassandra one, and well, you know, if it does you a favour getting rid of junk and all...

  2. It isn't actually mine. I borrowed it from Jazzer. Mind you she seems to have forgotten about it too...

  3. You'd be surprised - I was just up at my parents', also retrieving said "Boxes of Stuff", and I found my old car's fuzzy dice. Although not used for several years, they are now back on my current car. :)

  4. Displayed 'ironically' of course?

  5. Umm....suuuuuure. Ironically.

