Saturday, April 22, 2006

Old Fashioned Weans

Old Fashioned Weans
Originally uploaded by hootchinhannah.
Three Irish weans and three Canadian weans. Who is who?


  1. Anonymous7:52 pm

    the two smallest and seated canadian?

    mikey x

  2. No. I'll make it easier for you. The three Irish ones are Zoe, Katy & Hannah and you got one right.

  3. Anonymous5:01 pm

    What biddable children! There were two more who wisely did a runner when the pair of drunk mothers decided to do this. Lucky me, I grew into my nose and fringe.
    I would say the majority of your readers won't have a clue who the 3 'Canadians' are.

    The eldest "Canadian"

  4. What! Outed as an unfit mother!

    To other readers - that was the one with the surly look - and who could blame her?

  5. Anonymous10:44 pm

    I know who they are...but I suppose it would be considered inside knowledge if I spilt the beans.
