Wednesday, April 19, 2006

To lose one seller, Mrs Moser, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness

I wrote this the other day,

And speaking of Ebay – I’ve been stroked twice. The last time I was Ebay-spreeing I got everything I paid for and now this time two vendors have not sent the goods. You might put it down to the post or whatever but these sellers didn’t even answer my numerous messages. Perhaps they died? I suppose that could happen. But it would be odd if the two of them died so close together just as I’d made a paypal transaction for them.

Well you’re not going to believe this but I heard today that one of them is actually supposed to have died! On the day before I paid her on Ebay. And there was me left negative feedback too. The message was supposedly from another Ebay seller and the spelling and grammar was appalling. I don’t know about you but poor literacy is the first thing gets me thinking it’s a scam. Might this indicate that I possess racist tendencies?

That negative feedback is staying. If the seller is dead she’ll hardly care. Funnily enough though her name turns up two sites that list Ebay scammers. I don’t know what to think.


  1. If her name is on a scammers' list, you know what to think. You're thinking it, and you're probably right.

  2. You're right. I'm thinking it. But...

    Can positive feedback be faked?

    Can someone trade for 5+ years and still be a scammer?

    Could her email/Ebay ID have been stolen.

    And could she have been a thoroughly decent and reputable trader whose email/Ebay ID got stolen and then she up and died just after I'd paid her?

  3. Oh Nelly! you see ebay has it all: the bitter agony & sweet ecstasy of bidding.....the unbearable tension waiting on payment, fierce anxiety when waiting on that parcel....the guilty pleasure of your of all the intrigue and mystery of "feedback"...[okay, okay so I don't get out much these days]

    Hah! you do literally get more than you "bargained for"........

  4. How very, very true. But I'm still £20 down on the housekeeping money.

  5. Anonymous7:38 pm

    cheating b*****d is what they are nelly! ebay is so good you can buy ANYTHING, even positive feedback. i kid you not.

    mikey x

  6. So Mikey, how would you do that? Buy positive feedback?

  7. Anonymous11:24 am

    easy-do a search for 'buy feedback'...very cheap also. dont do it though, otherwise you go to hell.

    mikey x

  8. Don't worry I won't be buying feedback. What I've got legitimately is A+.

    I'm going to look at the search though. Looking isn't hell-worthy, is it?
