Saturday, May 27, 2006

Bert Loves Kittens

Bert Loves Kittens
Originally uploaded by hootchinhannah.
Happy Birthday Bert! Do you realise you've been wearing that shirt for nearly 20 years now?

Bert's birthday is actually tomorrow but I'll be at work tomorrow and might not have internet access.

He's spending his birthday on Rathlin Island but he'll be home tomorrow night, as I will, and we'll toast his anniversary with Laphroaig. Thanks to Dee Mac.

Anyway here's hoping he'll have a better time on Rathlin than Dee Mac had the one and only time she went there. She was jeered, soaked, starved and sea-rescued. Bert says those islanders better wind their wrinkly, Rathlinny necks in!


  1. Anonymous2:12 pm

    Happy Birthday to Bert!

    I hope there are no rabbits on Rathlin. Maybe some ill puffins?

  2. Anonymous3:01 pm

    Bird Flu Island I think you mean

  3. Oh no! Bird flu! Bert will be carrying it home to Bernie, Attracta, Patsy & Dympna.

  4. Maybe he can give them Bert Flu in return... :)

    Happy Birthday, Bert!

  5. Anonymous12:40 am

    Happy Birthday to Bert,
    Happy Birthday to Bert,
    etc etc etc

    And we all know that the Bird flu is stuck in the Orient. Manuel is keeping it away from these shores for us.

  6. Happy Birthday Bertie Boy xxxx

  7. Anonymous2:03 pm

    Happy Birthday Bert!! enjoy the laphroig, that goes for you too nelly!

    Mikey x

  8. Happy Birthday Bert!

  9. Anonymous6:23 pm

    Happy Birthday Bert.
    Mick n Linda

  10. Anonymous10:56 am

    Happy Birthday Bert. Card is in the post caught up in bank holiday postage.

    Love Katy

  11. There's a dood called "Bert The Shirt" in the Clarice Bean books. Not that that has owt to do with owt.

    Salutations and jubilations, though. :)

  12. Anonymous1:30 pm

    Hope Bert didn't disturb on the wild life on Rathlin.

    (Send me your email address as I think I have deleted most up-to-date one by mistake)
