Tuesday, May 23, 2006


You know how there are certain kinds of televisual stuff that you watch from behind your hands. You might occasionally peek between your fingers to see if it is really so awful before going ‘Errrgh!’ and then back to covering the eyes. For me this would include the carrying out of cosmetic surgery, people doing disgusting things like eating worms (or worse) or sticking skewers through their body parts, the sight of David Blaine’s saturated and bloated hands, scenes of torture whether fake or not, Noel Edmonds, Boyzone - all the usual stuff. Last night I added a new one to the list and it was a mixture of visual and aural. I can just about cope with the sight of a morbidly obese person, too fat for any form of clothing apart from a tarpaulin. I can look at an unfortunate being so huge that they need a separate bed for their stomach. I can look on that with a mixture of fear, horror and pity. But what I cannot do is look at a 56 stone woman whose belly is about the same size and weight as my entire body while listening to her explain in graphic detail how she manages to have sex. This is a woman with so much flesh on her that any attempt to have sex with her would be more of an expedition than an enterprise.

I just sat there with my eyes covered singing, “La di da, la di da. Turn it off. Turn it off!”


  1. I have heard of terribly obese people being taken into hospital and remote controls and other household objects being found buried in their many folds of flesh.

    Luckily our remote control was in Bert's hand. As always.

  2. Anonymous9:55 pm

    day 5 of big brother and not a word..?

    mikey x

  3. I know. I just haven't bonded with any of them yet. What about you?

    And - email me about coming over will you?

  4. It's desprit altogether, what one stumbles upon when catching up on one's favourite websites.
    The worst I ever saw was the one about the fat girls and the boyos who like to feed them up.

  5. Anonymous8:54 am

    I saw a bit of that meself. Wee 90lb fellas going out to buy a dozen McMeals for their 350lb wives. Very sick.

  6. I'll bet that's how that blade started out for she was a zeppelin when he married her and he a slender slip of a lad. Then together they must have overdone the McMeals and the giant tubs of ice cream...

  7. Anonymous1:14 am

    You have to feel sorry for those people. It has to be some sort of disorder, whether physical or psychological that allows them to get into that state of helplessness. I too watched while cringing at the extra flesh and hiding my eyes a lot although I didn't see this latest sexually descriptive one thankfully.

  8. It is disturbing. The drug is food which unlike nicotine, opiates and alcohol, we actually need to live.

    The other disturbing aspect is, that it is only where people are affluent that they can indulge their cravings for unnecessary food.

    And I cannot help but wonder about a society that can offer us food so refined, so fat-making and so cheap.

    That said I eat a lot of unnecessary food myself. There's nothing wrong with my 'glands'.
