Tuesday, May 02, 2006


SFW - Open a discussion on how the 'random' word is used in the Martinstown, Glenravel and Cushendall areas.

Conclusion reached - 'Random' is used to mean unusual, note-worthy or out of the ordinary events or persons.

NSFW - Open a discussion on the relative wrongnesses of engaging in a bestial act with a large animal i.e. cow or horse as compared with a smaller one i.e. cat, chicken.

Conclusion reached - Unnerving silence. Then shocked laughter. Then Nelly saying, "I'll just get my coat."


  1. Anonymous1:43 pm

    I'm partly intrigued and partly horrified. Why were you attempting to start such a conversation?

  2. Why? Sometimes I think it's like some sort of mental disorder or malfunction I have. Like Tourette's Syndrome. And I was tired.

  3. Are you sure it's not just bad spelling? Imagine not being able to spell "goat" ;-)

  4. Mrs Moser *laughs* then *laughs some more*

  5. Anonymous5:24 pm

    Stephen, that is the very question I was too horrified to ask.

  6. This was sparked by watching a documentary about the Danish woman who 'starred' in the film Animal Farm. A film, I hasten to add, that I have never seen for myself.

    I do not hold with that unfortunate woman's exploitation of her pets nor do I agree that she in her turn should have been exploited by pornographers.

    But putting that aside, and putting female human participation in bestial acts aside, I would argue that any large female animals being 'abused' by a male human would be less traumatised than smaller creatures being abused by a male human. Therefore it is a less immoral act.

    Swisser totally disagreed with me when we had this discussion the other night but I think she missed the point.

  7. Anonymous8:07 pm

    I suppose no need to ask if drink was taken prior to this conversation happening?

  8. Fairly decent quantities of drink were taken wheb the debate was first aired. Obviuosly none was taken prior to its airing in the work situation.

  9. Once upon a time, in the olden days when I was but a nipper. There lived near the town of Ballyclare a woman of ill repute who used to take off her clothes in front of men, in dens of iniquity.The stories were told that she would bring her horse with her to these dens of iniquity ( did I say bring maybe I meant ride}. One time , without her horse, she was in one of these establishments and asked the gentlmen drinking "Would you like me to take my clothes off for you?" They replied, in no uncertain terms, "No, we're watching the footie!"

  10. I always heard that Ballyclare was a bad place.
