Monday, May 15, 2006

Poor Poorly Me

pointless, incessant barking
Originally uploaded by NellyMoser.
Hi guys, Rosie here. I don't have my own blog at the mo so Nelly's given me a lend of hers. God I love Nelly. She let me lick the rice pudding bowl tonight. I need all the comfort food I can get as I've got a big fat abscess. Bert took me to the (whisper it) Clough vitinary today and she give me a big jag of antibiotics the cruel bitch. Anyways I've a course of smelly tablets to take then I'm going under the knife on Wednesday.

Wish me luck people! I'll need it.


  1. It goes without saying that tomorrow's St. Martha Candle is for you Rosie

  2. Anonymous8:56 am

    Thanks. Appreciate that. Going back to bed now. Fool eedjit Nelly is up (it's not even nine o'clock!) but sensible, wise Bert is still fartisnuggled in the scratcher so I'm going up to keep him company.

  3. Anonymous9:34 am

    Good luck Rosie!

    And congratulations for a very sensible deployment of the word fartisnuggled.

  4. Anonymous10:09 am

    Thanks Ed. She doesn't realise it (humans are so dim except you of course) but I know lots of great words she doesn't.
    And I'm bilingual. Woof! Ruff! Bar-war-waar!

  5. Anonymous10:10 am

    Ooops! Forgot to sign off up there. I get over-excited sometimes. It's a dog thing.

  6. Anonymous9:53 pm

    You'll be grand Rose, sure it'll only be the squink of an eye before you are up and running again.

    The Dude (aka Scruff)

  7. Anonymous11:12 am

    Oh Scruff I was so wasted last night but I'm good this morning. Nelly is very anxious to know when you're next coming to visit. Paddy says you can just eff off but I'd like to see you again. Nobody sniffs my booty the way you do. xxxx

  8. Anonymous9:30 pm

    Soon girl, soon.

    The Dude.

  9. Anonymous10:15 am

