Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Poor Poorly Rosie...

She's too zonked to blog this herself. Bert collected her from the vet after 6pm and she was like a zombie. She was able to eat her dinner but instead of wolfing it down as usual she broke off in the middle and spent some time staring vacantly at the wall. She is just so druggged...

And Nellybert is £80 poorer. You'd think the vet could afford some nicer jeans.

Other better news -

One of Daddy's favourite godsons has been appointed headmaster of St Olcan's in Randalstown. Thankfully not St Olcan's in Randalstown (!)


  1. Anonymous10:27 pm

    Would that be the one who is the same age as me?

  2. Anonymous10:40 pm

    Congrats. To Rosie (for getting all that work done and getting someone else to pay for it) and to Yer Man for the job. Is it carrying over into the new school?

  3. Tis.

    Rosie is very cunning.

    And aye, tis for the new school.
