Thursday, June 08, 2006

Hearts and Flours

I baked Bert an apple pie this evening. Just to remind him of why he loves me. Then I took a mad race down to the garage to buy a new set of rechargeable batteries for my camera. As usual, for that time of the evening, the garage and the forecourt were packed with good ol’ country boys standing around passing the time with each other. I couldn’t help but notice a few appreciative looks coming my way and put it down to my new haircut.

When I got back Bert said,

You never went down to the garage like that did you?

I looked down and saw that a couple of shirt buttons were open and that I’d been displaying a good portion of my generous bosom clad in one of my fine new brassieres. I said,

I was wondering about all those oul boys smiling at me.

He said,

Och it was likely you being covered in flour that pleased them. Those oul boys like a bit of home baking too.


  1. When we first moved to Round Rock, we had come from Austin, a hotbed of hippie liberalism, to live in a very conservative town. I worked pretty hard at fitting in, and, for the most part, did well. Until the day I found some library books that were due that day, and ran down to the library to return them, I didn't realize, until I got there, that I had run out in a halter top and a pair of harem pants. Not the usual sort of clothing favoured by young matrons in this town in 1981!

  2. Appearing in that kind of garb in Cullybackey, even in 2006, would have you the talk of the village for decades.

  3. Now that you've bought your re-chargeable batteries, you've no excuse...forget about the bride a close-up photie of the threaded eyebrows, please. Enjoy the wedding, keep all blouses buttoned up - take it from me - those city boys aren't like those ould fellas, they just can't handle it.
