Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Glorious Twelfth: Part 1. Morning

Happy Orangeman's Day everyone. It looks a bit damp. Pity that. Not for the Orangemen of course, because they love walking in the rain - it cools their boiling blood. But a pity for us as we are having a barbecue today. All being well I'm going to blog all day so you might notice a little deterioration in sobriety as the day wears on.

It's also a happy birthday to Swisser who claims to be sick and shan't be coming. That is a shame as, it is such a significant birthday for her. Ahem!

I'm sitting here in my pyjamas and bird's nest hair. Bert is making breakfast. The dogs need let out and I need to.....


  1. You're a month early, the grouse shooting season starts in August. I'm not sure about the magpie season -I think it's all year round.

  2. But I'm talking about the Ulster(wo)man's Glorious Twelfth. Are you English or something?

  3. You look English with your tights and your pointy-toed shoes.

  4. Don't tell anyone but; I was born in West Africa and the adults who have claimed throughout my life to parent me were, one from the Shankill Rd Belfast and the other from up near White Park bay.I hope that the attire worn by bloggers in Greba will soon catch on - last year I wore a "hoodie" :-)

  5. Mea Culpa*

    I hope you'll forgive those personal remarks I made regarding you looking "English". As you probably gathered it was the "drink talking".

    *No Greek but a smattering of Latin. Those damn nuns.

  6. I find it strange here in Greyabbey that a lot of people have English accents. Even famous names linked to the Ulster/Scots tradition. I better check up on local history a bit more and find out where they've all come from.
