Wednesday, July 26, 2006

My Three Girls

You shouldn’t have favourites. Everyone knows that. But I cannot help myself. I have a favourite.

My big girl – she’s a bit standoffish, a bit aloof. Some might say she’s shy. All I know is she’ll run a mile if you try to pick her up. But she’s industrious and loyal and very, very pretty.

My little girl – what a scruffy tyke she is. You never saw such a bedraggled girl. But she’s also brave, adventurous and generous and is rarely parted from my big girl.

But my middle girl – I cannot help myself. I like her the best. She walks like a duck and is the greediest girl ever. She loves to eat slugs and she lets me cuddle her whenever I want. Yes. Patsy is, without doubt, my very favourite hen.


  1. Until you got to the bit about eating slugs I coulda swore you were talking about your 3 daughters.

  2. As if! you know I love you all the same.
