Friday, July 07, 2006

One For Sorrow

Magpie in his sights
Originally uploaded by NellyMoser.
When I took this picture I was planning to call it Magpie 1 Bert 0. But he got one.

I don't know if I feel the same about him now I know he's a cold-blooded magpie murderer.

It's still quicker and cleaner than the Larsen cage trap.


  1. He's crossed a line now.....soon magpies won't satisfy his thirst!

    Its good to see that you have a similiar arrangement on your window ledge as mine (minus the gun-wielding gentleman!)

  2. Re window ledge do you mean clutter?

    Swisser was horrified. She said "You could have killed your mother!", he said "She was too quick for me."

  3. What's next? Piebald ponies? Ladies in dogstooth? NUNS?

  4. Not piebald ponies. They're worth more alive than dead.

  5. Anonymous4:40 pm

    Isn't it a crime to fire a rifle in a built up sill area?

  6. I'll ask one of my PSNI chums.

  7. Anonymous6:25 pm

    btw I am not a cyber stalker. I left this comment already on your flickr but thought I'd left it on the blog and it hadn't been published which is why it appears in both places.

  8. I thought I was experiencing deja vu.

    At work today we were discussing the problem of persistent invasions of feral children. A colleague suggested an in-house sniper. Do you think Bert would be suitable for such a post?

  9. Anonymous12:37 am

    I'm attempting to convince The Management at work to get some kind of anti-feral-child device installed. My thinking is to steal one of them water cannon things off of the PSNI, and attach it to the underside of the roof. Then introduce a voltage of around 10,000V across the gap between the cannon and the floor. And then give me control.

    Oh, I love the smell of lightly burnt feral child in the evenin'. Smells like ... quiet.

  10. Tough night at work Ed?
