Saturday, August 19, 2006

And Moving Swiftly On...

Here are some more pictures about which, I'm certain, there shall be no complaints.

Rosie Sleeping

Rosie says: Ah for pity's sake is that the best photo you could find. I look like a right scruffy oul fecker in that and my nose looks stupid and my arse looks fat and that's not my best foreleg I'm showing..

Paddy Racing on the Loan Hill

Paddy says: Aye! And I look like I'm racing to catch the Special Bus. For God's sake Nelly! Mad staring eyes, tongue lolling and my ears... the cut of my ears! Take it down Nelly. My fans will hate it.

Scruff Licking The Cream Bowl

Scruff: Damn you to hell and back Nelly. That's a cut. My hairs standing on end and my head stuck in a bowl of cream. I look so bloody old! And greedy! That's not going to help my thinspiration cred is it now? Not one bit!

1 comment:

  1. Paddy does look like he's runnin for the special bus. That collar doesn't help.
