Thursday, August 24, 2006

Fungi Has A Lot To Answer For

Sometimes I like to idle away a few hours minutes surfing and so on. Tonight I've been googling a small village on the Dingle peninsula. I first visited Ballydolphinig* in the 1980s. One of my sisters was going about with a lad from those parts. In fact she ended up marrying him and they're around there to this day. But anyway I wander off.

Ballydolphinig was a very small place then and I understand it still is. It nestled at the foot of a shale mountain and consisted of a collection of houses. They called it a village but there was no pub, no post-office and no shops. The people of the village had roots reaching back for centuries and they all spoke Irish. Except for the children who spoke and were spoken to in English.

Sure they'll get enough Irish to do them.

It was a quiet place then. The main excitement for the youngsters of an evening was setting the fuchsia hedges on fire. Or hitching a lift on a donkey and cart to the next crossroads for a bit of oul craic.

Of course it's all changed now. Ballydolphinig is all modern with satellite TV and the best of cars and household goods and everything a body could ask for. They've all got computers and the internet but not, as far as I know, broadband.

Even so, can you imagine my shock on googling through parish registers, pictures of beehive cells and advertisements for holiday cottages, to find a web page called Ballydolphinig Swingers. With pictures of the lively couples too. All ages, all creeds and all colours. Thirty-nine pairs of them! And some without tan-lines.

They must be blow-ins.

*name has been changed to protect the innocent


  1. Stephen Nolan has been talking about that this week - apparently Co. Down is the place to go.

  2. Anonymous11:52 am

    According to the meejia, Newtownards is the epicenter of a massive swingng community.

    Whoda think it?

  3. Many years ago it was rumoured that the local golf club was the centre of the swinging scene in the 'Mena.

    Dogging (and other fiendish practices) takes place in Tardree Forest and voyeurism at the White Rocks in Portrush.

    But for animal sacrifice and Satanism you need only travel as far as Randalstown!

  4. Anonymous12:38 am

    I was searching for the location of Glenoe Waterfall and found that it was one of 13 dogging locations in co antrim. So, where are the other 11?

  5. Just google dogging + Co Antrim.

    But please, I beg you, don't involve Gracie in this. She is too young.
