Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I'm Not One To Boast But...

Those who know me also know I’m not one to boast but… I do make exceedingly good pastry. The secret is Neill’s flour, butter (not marge) and a light handling. After that you cannot really fail. Yesterday I made a cheese & spinach pie for Jamie, Hannah and their friends. The spinach was home grown and there were three kinds of cheese in the pie. It was good.

I also made Rabia Chicken (p137, The Curry Book), which is chicken drumsticks cooked in a mix of fresh ginger and garlic with added dried spices. Tor, who is from Thailand, said it was the best which was praise indeed. But it still needs to pass this man’s taste test before it can be pronounced a truly great dish. We shall see.

And as if that were not enough compliments for one evening I had my head truly turned when Bert declared that my apple cinnamon sponge (with battered cream) was sublime and medicinal. He swore that it boosts the immune system and fights depression far more effectively than Seroxat or Prozac. This morning he said that it was the best aid ever for a deep and restful night's sleep.

So far the aphrodisiac powers of my apple cinnamon sponge remain untested.


  1. Anonymous7:52 pm

    My mouth's watering. It all sounds so delicious. I love spinach in any shape or form.

  2. Anonymous8:01 pm

    london sister calling - that food does sound brilliant and hope you will cook for me soon, you could come over here and perform!

  3. I think Bert's right. I had an amazingly good night's sleep and I only had a wee taste of the sponge.

  4. Nelly,

    I'm off to bed now to dream of your spinach pastry & apple sponge.....yummy. My Granny Granny Pendred was right - she told me the way to a mans heart was through a home baked apple tart - I find that most men love apple pie, sponge, cobbler, crumble, tart or just plain stewed apple with custard or ice-cream.
