Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Moving On

Today I signed up for a course which will give me a teaching qualification.

I then made an application to do agency work.

And I handed in my resignation. I'm leaving Tinkerton.


  1. Congratulations Nelly! Im sure you're gutted..[ha!]...Its good to hear such heartening news on a miserable day like this. I think you have a lot to offer if your blog is anything to go by and places like "Tinkerton" are not good for the soul - they just wear you down and squeeze the life out of you. Im sure the only regret you'll have, is that you didn't do it sooner.

  2. Anonymous5:49 pm

    You done your time, and now you're well out of it. Congratulations.

  3. Thanks for those good wishes. The course is going to be a lot of hard work but I'm looking forward to it.

    The past month of 'not spending' has been a trial run. It will have to continue. But it's only for a year so never mind! I'll survive.

  4. All the very best with your course and I wish you every success. But what'll you do if the agency offer you a shift in Tinkerton? *grin*

  5. I'd do it and try to swallow my bile that I'd be getting paid 33% less for doing so

  6. Anonymous7:28 pm

    Well done!

  7. good luck with both and yay for moving on!

  8. Anonymous11:02 am


  9. Anonymous8:35 pm

    hey nelly,
    thats the very best news i've heard-you hurl yourselve ino this teaching course, i want to hear all about it. seriously though, a very brave and smart thing you just did. consider yourself a wee inspirtaion

    mikey x
