Saturday, September 30, 2006

A Beautiful Spirit

Shirley, originally uploaded by NellyMoser.
This has been a hard week. Apart from the course, which I enjoyed very much, and some joyful encounters with the clients in The Faraway Home For The Confused And Disorientated it has been a week filled with anxiety, stress and sadness.

This morning we attended Shirley's funeral. As you'd expect, it was heart rending but it was also very beautiful. The priests of St Gerard's had words of comfort and hope for everyone. Father Doherty described Shirley as having "a beautiful spirit" and this was so true.

It seems that Shirley had led a very lonely life these past few years. I think this was partly due to her mental and emotional problems for there were so very many people she could have turned to.

She is at peace now. We'll never forget her.


  1. poor little thing. She was beautiful!

  2. Sad story, but I suppose it's true "She is at peace now."

  3. Anonymous1:08 pm

    Hiya, just to show my respects I thought I would post a wee message. Shirleys foster parents Mary and Jimmy are my aunte and uncle. I only met Shirley twice many many years ago so my memories are vague but it was a happy time for all in the south or Ireland. Also, just incase you arent aware, a memorial site has been set up. The address is:

    Thinking of you shirley.

    Mike and Emma

  4. Thank you for the link to Shirley's memorial site. I read about it in ysterday's Irish News but couldn't find it myself.

    I knew Shirley over four years ago when she stayed with us for a summer. I originally met her through work. She was a lovely girl and I thought the world of her.

    I read in the paper also hat Mrs Corry did not want any contact with anyon from Ballymena as she wanted to preserve her good memories. I had some photographs from that period and I wanted to give her the original copies. Do you think she would mind if I sent them?

  5. Anonymous1:40 pm

    Hiya Nelly.

    My aunte mary has said that she would definately like a copy of your photo's and wondered if you wouldn't mind contacting her sister Joan. She will be able to give you all the details on how to get in touch with mary.

    Joans number is: 07920119383

    The comment in the paper about wanting no contact was untrue!

    Many thanks


  6. Anonymous2:06 pm

    Hi nellie

    This is Mary Corry, please dismiss what was in the Irish News. want to hear from all of Shirleys and collect memories and photographs. Plaese get in touch at

  7. Anonymous3:49 pm

    hi im shirley foster sister joanne i really like them pictures its nice to know shirley had a friend in you thanks i would like the pictures 2 if u could send them to me its
