Friday, September 15, 2006

Leprechaun Joke

Young Rooney and Young Loveheart are the only ones in their crowd who are still single. Consequently they find themselves spending more time together. This evening they called round to our house to pass a little time before Young Rooney went back to Young Loveheart's place to cook him his tea. For Young Loveheart 'can't cook'.

Young Loveheart: What are ye making me?

Young Rooney: Whatever's in your freezer.

Such a sweet friendship.

By the time we'd done with the gossip and the politics and stories we moved on to jokes. We were telling leprechaun jokes. Young Rooney said, "Leprechauns. That reminds me - there was this man went into a bar with a leprechaun on his shoulder and they ordered a pint. The leprechaun stuck its face into the pint and I don't remember the rest of it. I'm hopeless at jokes."

We laughed long and hard for sure it was the best joke we'd heard all evening.

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