Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Be Careful What You Wish For

Of course I'd heard of Cosmic Ordering. Noel Edmonds dunnit and he got an awesome new show - Deal Or No Deal. Of course I've never watched it (as if) but Pearlie is a great fan. Matty? Not so much.

Incidentally in searching for that post I discovered that I have referred to Noel Edmonds on this blog on three separate occasions. Three! That is very bad. I must be a secret fan. Which is worrying.

Before I knew I was a secret admirer of His Beardiness, I would have pooh-poohed this Cosmic Ordering idea on account of me thinking he was an arsehole, but then I found the Barbel Mohr book among a box of paperbacks donated to me for recycling purposes. I had a little look at it and was gratified to discover that Mohr says you don't even have to read the book! Just get on with the ordering. That's my kind of self-help book. So far I've ordered up regular and enjoyable employment by the second of November 2006 so we'll see how that goes and I've ordered up a 25 pound reduction in personal tonnage for April 2007. I had to go back on that one as I was not specific enough. It would be a shame if I got that weight loss as a result of some terminal wasting disease. But if I do - you read it here first.


  1. Anonymous10:36 am

    I like to cover my bases so while your at it would you order me a girlfriend? Bearing in mind your 'wasting disease' comment I'll stipulate female and attractive. And tall. Rich would be nice too. Oh and witty.

    Hmm. I could go on, but the more I do the clearer it becomes why I'm single...

  2. You have to do it yourself. Apparently the more specific you are the better the results. Go for it.

  3. Anonymous3:21 pm

    Magda is looking for a boyfriend.

  4. Anonymous7:41 pm

    On the plus side you mentioned Magda has a figure like Jessica Rabbit (36DD sounds dangerous to me though), on the down side you mention she finds most of her boyfriends on the street and has boundary issues, not to mention up for a bit of blackmail.

    Still, beggars can't be choosers.

  5. Another internet romance begins.
