Thursday, October 12, 2006


I want lots of bookshelving in my den. That is the room where Bert is currently installing the fireplace. Obviously Bert will be the man to build them as he's really awfully good with his hands. After all he built this superb turkey hoose for Clint. Now my guru in most matters of taste & design is Zoe. Bert jealously accuses me of 'hanging on to her every word'. So when I told him that Zoe advised I cover an entire wall with book shelving he pooh-poohed it. He said it would make the room look like a library. I said if I wanted my room to look like a library that was up to me. And he said that was fine and dandy but I could get somebody else to build the bookshelves. Nast-ee! And there's you lot think he's so damn nice. Sometimes he's not one bit nice. But it's usually when he's hungry.

So for a while we asked everyone who came into the house where they thought the bookshelves should go. A lot of people (including Bert) thought the two alcoves on either side of the fireplace would be the spot. I thought that was a bit too conventional. Then someone suggested the wall facing the fireplace. Eventually Bert said he'd go with what Leitrim Sister said. I suppose he respects her opinion because she's always hanging ceilings and repairing roofs and knocking up luxury rabbit hutches when she's not coppicing hazel or studying for her degree. So Leitrim Sister (or anyone for that matter) - what are your thoughts?


  1. Anonymous12:07 am

    The wall facing the fireplace was my suggestion!

  2. What goes in the alcoves if the books don't? What I'm getting at is, if the books are across the room, won't it look as if they should be in the alcoves? On the other hand, having them across the room might be cooler for them. How big is the room? So many variables.

  3. There is a big old-fashioned dresser for one of the alcoves. I'll get bookshelves sneaked into the other one as well. But Bert doesn't know that. Yet.

  4. Well I am shelving my alcoves, so I reckon you should go with the back wall.

  5. The thing is; alcoves are designed to save space. Books in them makes sense, and then the space on the opposite wall that would be used up with bookshelves is freed up for stretching out the legs.

    So, after much consideration, and sleeping on it, I've decided to vote in favour of alcoves.

  6. Where would Noel Edmonds put them?

  7. NE would put them just where Zoe said. Because he is a celeb, & would be having his lovely home featured in OK! etc, he would want his bookshelves prominently featured to help him look (he hopes) cutting edge intellectual. Hah!

    Featured prominently on NE's shelves would be a pristine copy of Barbel Mohr's book.

  8. I like the thought of a wall of books, it sounds very fine.

  9. Anonymous1:17 pm

    i agree with Bert. i usually agree with Bert, oddly enough.

  10. Anonymous1:18 pm

    mikey x
