Sunday, October 29, 2006

Crime Scene

I've just taken my usual Sunday morning trip to the village to pick up the papers and it seems that the Central Bar is a crime scene. There are men in white jumpsuits everywhere. Looks ominous. Nothing on the news so far...


  1. Anonymous4:34 pm

    Londer sister says - hope its nothing too horrid as you have had enough of that recently.

  2. Nothing in news. Maybe they put on white jumpsuits for burgalaries? It is actually the cottage beside the pub.

  3. EEEP?! The white jumpsuits sound a bit scary.

    Oh and you are so keeping the new pooch. ;)

  4. The crime scene tape is down & the new pooch is sitting at my feet as I type this. More on that later but here's a taster... we've found her owner, he's in hospital and her name is BONNIE. It suits her.

  5. Anonymous1:20 pm

    Your crime scene was a death by natural causes - I spoke to the owner of the house.

  6. Z - thanks for update. Hope you're better now.
