Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Since changing to beta blogger I found that my old ways of inserting links have ceased to work. I promised myself this morning that I'd figure it out before this day was done.

And so I did. And to prove it I'm going to link to something I learned about at my course this evening. I learned about this.

And I also found out a little about this.

Ain't learning a wonderful thing?


  1. Anonymous8:32 am

    Please, please, PLEASE don't do links that are like: I found this interesting. It is an annoyance of mine that people use 'this' like 'that'.

    Grrr. How do I know if I want to follow the link if I have no clue (other than the url when I roll over, which gives me no clue, as I thought perhaps the kermit one was some sort of discussion on protocols, and your next homework would touch on veronica and gopher) what it might contain.


  2. Anonymous8:39 am

    Oh, and yes, learning is surely a wonderful thing. Long may you continue to do so. I love doing so, as well.

  3. I have learned this morning to be mindful of Mr Bolan's blood pressure.

  4. Anonymous4:54 pm

    And I've learned that Nelly like her beta software, hope this one works better than firefox

  5. And I've learned that Adam knows a lot more about computing than Nelly does.

  6. Anonymous10:40 pm

    She's in my head! Must wear a tinfoil hat from now on

  7. I'm wearing mine.
