Thursday, October 26, 2006

Pssst! Wanna Dog?

This dog has been living with us since Saturday. There has been no response to my posters and she has not been reported as missing to the Dog Warden. I take her out for a walk every day and I'm always hoping that someone will stop and say, "Hey! What are you doing with my dog?" So far it hasn't happened.

She is big and she is strong and she eats loads. She appears to be good-tempered and I think she is fairly young. I don't know what we're going to do because every day that passes finds me liking her even more. Anyways over to Sheba...

Please, please, please someone come and take me away from all this. Saying that the humans here aren't too bad. Nelly is a keen & dedicated jailer but she's got a good heart. I've a better chance of escaping when Bert's in charge for he's a bit slack about security. The cat's not bad, tends to keep out of my way, but the dogs are complete arses. That Rosie one is always baring her big yellow teeth at me and Paddy is a total ball-licking slabber. Obvious that Rosie is the pack leader so I have tried to get in with her but she's having none of it. She's a rotten cheat at football too and ates the face of me when I tackle her. I hate it here and I want my old home back. Failing that I want a new home with no evil, jealous, hairy ould bitcher anywhere near it.

By the way Nelly - my name's not Sheba and it's not Baby either.


  1. I'd take the pup off your hands, but it's a bit of a drive for me. :)

  2. We will take her off your hands but you will have to keep her another year [and I don't know whether we can afford your kennel fees] - our new house will be ready then and we will be ready for a last - the only problem is that Ronan wants a yellow one and he is insisting that we call the dog "England".

  3. So it's a toss between keeping her for a year or driving to America. I'll have to think about that one ;)

  4. Anonymous4:37 pm

    I think you should keep this dog as it matches your floor tiles.
