Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Basic Concepts of Information Technology

So how was your class?

Not bad. Tonight was the first night of our peer to peer teaching practice.

What was the class?

Basic Concepts of Information Technology.

Dear God! Sounds damnable. Who took it?

This guy. Know what he did? Only built a computer right in front of us. And made it look easy and fun. How am I going to compete with that when I take my class in word processing?


  1. Anonymous12:19 am

    Pfft. Smoke and mirrors, it looked easy because it is.

    A computer is made up of at most a few 10's of components, in contrast there are millions of words to process!!

  2. Why am I not comforted by your words?

  3. Type out a spell-checked cover letter before their very eyes! It'll confound 'em all.

  4. Anonymous7:15 pm

    amaze them with the juvenile wonder of wing-dings... you still use the same email nelly?

    mikeyboy x

  5. Awesome suggestions & I still use same email. Haven't look at it for several days tho'.
